Sunday, December 22, 2013

Piano Teacher Gift

I have been taking piano lessons since sept. I already know how to play this is just to sharpen my skills, since it's been 20 years since I've taken actual lessons. So for Christmas I wanted to do something for my teacher, and back in Oct. she had posted this quote on fb and said she wanted to hang the quote above her piano. In my head I envisioned making this for her and it would be big. So that she could hang it and center it on the wall with her piano. But as time got closer and I ran out of time, I used a piece if scrap wood and cut the vinyl according to the size. It's still a good size, the wood is 12x12. But  smaller than I initially thought I would make for her.

But I have a feeling she will love it!! And just in time- Christmas is three days away. :)

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